Sustainable Agriculture and Aquaponics in Hawaii

Located in Kunia, Hawaii, we specialize in growing leafy greens in an aquaponic system. Locally grown, sustainably grown, aquaponically grown.

Seedlings are sprouted and transplanted into individual two inch netpots. After two weeks in the seed nursery, they are transferred to the floating rafts in the grow troughs.

With a proper balance of fish density and constant monitoring of water quality, the heads will reach considerable size and a dark rich green color.

Located in Kunia, Hawaii, we specialize in growing leafy greens in an aquaponic system. Locally grown, sustainably grown, aquaponically grown.
Kunia Country Farms
-Locally Grown-
-Sustainably Grown-
-Aquaponically Grown-
Our Goal
Zero Impact Farming!
Kunia Country Farms began operations in 2010, and is now one of the largest aquaponic farms and producer of leafy greens in the state of Hawaii. We strive to deliver only the highest quality produce to supermarkets, restaurants, and local consumers. We harvest early morning twice a week to ensure freshness, with harvested produce refrigerated within 15 minutes of the stem cut. Boxed and ready to go in the same day, restaurants and distributors have our produce within 48 hours of the harvest. Please visit our gallery or click on one of the photos below.

Located in Kunia, Hawaii, we specialize in growing leafy greens in an aquaponic system. Locally grown, sustainably grown, aquaponically grown.

Kunia Country Farms currently has 18 grow troughs built on 1 acre in beautiful Kunia, Hawaii. Each trough can hold up to 3,300 plants, although some varieties thrive under wider spacing.

Seedlings spend the first two weeks in the nursery, before transferring the 2 inch net pots to the floating rafts. After one trough is harvested, it is "replanted" with these seedlings.

In the first week, seedlings experience moderate growth with fair uniformity. You will notice from this picture that some plants do better than others.

In week two, the heads double in size, and variations in growth are harder to distinguish.

In week three, another big growth spurt and now it becomes difficult to see differences in individual plant growth.

In week four, the plants begin to fill out. Not as much vertical growth, but a nice thickness to the plants as well as larger leaves.

Each 4 foot by 4 foot raft is individually harvested. At maturity, the lettuce has a nice deep green color, and the leaf structure is full and robust.

Manoa Lettuce was cultivated here in Hawaii, and is actually a variety of Green Mignonette. It's a local favorite!

We also grow baby lettuce in trays of coconut coir. Go to the "Gallery" section to see close-ups of the varieties currently grown.

Our Farm is fueled by large tanks of hormone-free FNO-free tilapia. Aquaponics is aquaculture and hydroponics together.

The BEI Educational Deck plays host to visiting classes of school children from across the State of Hawaii. For more information please visit www.zeroimpactfarming.org.
We Take Food Safety Seriously
Kunia Country Farms is food safety certified by the State of Hawaii Department of Agriculture. The Farm has passed two Ranch audits with Superior ratings (the highest rating) and 99% scores. For a database of 3rd party audited farms in Hawaii, click here: